Military Kids

Military Kids


April’s Mission

Why: Military Kids are a huge part of the Military Family. When Service Members are gone for training or deployment, Military Kids are put to a different test, especially during holidays, birthdays, family time, life lessons, and everyday life.

Be part of something impactful! Proceeds from April’s mission (challenge coins & Military Kids t-shirts) fund Hannah’s HeroesMilitary Kids Scholarship for deserving Military Kids. The scholarship is in honor and remembrance of Hannah H., a true Military Kid that passed away on April 11, 2020, from undiagnosed Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes.

Please consider donating directly to the scholarship by clicking the here. Please select Military Kids Scholarship when donating online. Processing fees apply. If you choose to donate by check, please contact us here.

Create a purple ribbon, write the name(s) of the Military Kid(s) in your life, tie it to your rucksack, backpack, weighted vest, and complete this mission in their honor!

Earn your Military Kids challenge coin!

  1. Honor Military Kids!

  2. Build Camaraderie: Train hard and bring others along. Prepare yourself mentally and physically for the annual Ruck ‘N’ Run®!

  3. Connect the Community: Challenge your family, friends and co-workers.

What: We challenge you to push your limits by completing this challenge!

Where: Anytime/anywhere. This is a virtual mission (What we call a Shadow event.)

Who: Open to all and for all fitness levels.

Cost: Only $20.25 to register, which includes a challenge coin!

Step 1: Review the Mission here!

Step 2:Click ADD TO CART, below!

Step 3: Invite and challenge others!

Step 4: Knock out the mission!

Step 5: Share photos and videos using #MilitaryKidsRuckNRun

T-shirts available here!

Add To Cart
11th Annual Store Item Square 25OCT24-01.png 11th Annual Maroon EVENT Shirt FRONT 16OCT24-01.jpg

11th Annual - Early Bird!

Sale Price:$39.00 Original Price:$50.00
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Ruck 'N' Run® Series

$20.25 every month for 1 year
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