Operation Heatstroke
In Honor Of: U.S. Military Medical Personnel
Mission: Details will be emailed. All information must be safeguarded and not shared.
Distance: 9.92 miles
Ruckers, ruck (carry weight, your preference)
Runners, run (do not carry any weight other than a hydro pack)
Your team must choose one or the other.
44 Push Ups (8 Count)
400 Meter Sprint (437.445 yards)
53 Flutter Kits (4 Count)
150 Yard High Crawl & 75 Yard Sprint
300 Yard Bear Crawl
50 Yard Casualty Evacuation Carry
60 Jump-Squats with Military Press Using Ruck
2 Mile Litter Carry & 25 Burpees At Halfway Point
Suggested Training:
Start small, building up to the above workout.
Split training up as needed.
Train with your team.
Consult your doctor before doing any of our mission or events. Your participation in any of our missions or events says you’ve properly trained and is your acceptance of sole responsibility.