Operation Christmas Bear
Why: In keeping with our mission, gather together for this fun, festive mission to build camaraderie and connect the community, BEAR one another’s burdens, while donating new, unwrapped toy(s) to less-fortunate children during Christmas!
What: Earn your challenge coin/Christmas ornament by completing 2.5 Miles + 25 reps of 5 exercises!
Where: Anytime/anywhere. This is a virtual mission (a.k.a. Shadow). Connect with your local USMC’s Toys for Tots location here!
Who: Open to all and for all fitness levels.
Cost: Only $20.25 to register, which includes a challenge coin (free shipping)!
This is mission 1 of 12 in our Ruck ‘N’ Run® Series
Step 1: Review the Mission below.
Step 2: Register here!
Step 3: Share photos/videos of your progress. Tag us in your social media posts and use @ruck_n_run for Instagram and @RuckNRun for Facebook.
Step 4: Complete the mission to earn your challenge coin/Christmas ornament!
Are you HARDCORE? Earn the HARDCORE Challenge Coin! More info here!
The Mission:
Each person rucks/carries new, unwrapped toy(s) to donate to the USMC’s Toys for Tots Foundation; teddy bear, other stuffed animals, and/or “activity-driven” toys, like freebies, soccer balls, footballs, etc.
Distance: 2.5 Miles (total) and complete 25 reps of the following 5 exercises:
Exercises: (no burpees here…Merry Christmas!)
Snow Angels (Same as Plank Jacks)
Starting position: push up position (straight line from shoulders to ankles with head in a neutral position) with feet together.
Kick feet outward (past shoulder-width much like a jumping jack) keeping core tight (like tensing up when expecting a gut punch) then kick them back in to the starting position for one rep.
Four-Count Chimney Climbers (Same as Four-Count Mountain Climbers)
Starting Position: push up position with the left knee below chest
Switch knees by bringing right knee up toward chest while maintaining push up position. This is count one. Switch again (count two). Switch again (count three). Switch again (count four = a rep).
Counting: one, two, three, 1…one, two three, 2…and so on.
Nutcrackers (Same as Jumping Lunges)
Starting position: stand with right foot forward in a lunge position.
Jump, switching to a left foot forward lunge position. Switch back to the left (starting position). This is one rep. Key: 25 for each leg.
Sleigh Rides (Same as “Superman”)
Starting position: lying on your stomach, arms and legs extended (like Superman).
Raise thighs and chest off the ground, hold for a 10 count, and return to the starting position for one rep.
Tree Toppers (Same as Jumping Body Weight Squats)
Starting position: standing with feet approximately shoulder-width apart.
Lower body into a squat and jump up to reach the top of the Christmas tree to get your star/angel placed at the top of your tree. This is one rep. Let gravity do its thing, but go directly into the next rep/squat.
Ruckers, ruck (carry weight, your preference)
Runners, run (do not carry any weight)
Or a combination of both. You know…Ruck ‘N’ Run®!