Operation Christmas Bear

Why: In keeping with our mission, gather together for this fun, festive mission to build camaraderie and connect the community, BEAR one another’s burdens, while donating new, unwrapped toy(s) to less-fortunate children during Christmas!

What: Earn your challenge coin/Christmas ornament by completing 2.5 Miles + 25 reps of 5 exercises!

Where: Anytime/anywhere. This is a virtual mission (a.k.a. Shadow). Connect with your local USMC’s Toys for Tots location here!

Who: Open to all and for all fitness levels.

Cost: Only $20.25 to register, which includes a challenge coin (free shipping)!

This is mission 1 of 12 in our Ruck ‘N’ Run® Series

Step 1: Review the Mission below.

Step 2: Register here!

Step 3: Share photos/videos of your progress. Tag us in your social media posts and use @ruck_n_run for Instagram and @RuckNRun for Facebook.

Step 4: Complete the mission to earn your challenge coin/Christmas ornament!

Are you HARDCORE? Earn the HARDCORE Challenge Coin! More info here!

The Mission:

Each person rucks/carries new, unwrapped toy(s) to donate to the USMC’s Toys for Tots Foundation; teddy bear, other stuffed animals, and/or “activity-driven” toys, like freebies, soccer balls, footballs, etc.

Distance: 2.5 Miles (total) and complete 25 reps of the following 5 exercises:

Exercises: (no burpees here…Merry Christmas!)

  1. Snow Angels (Same as Plank Jacks)

    • Starting position: push up position (straight line from shoulders to ankles with head in a neutral position) with feet together.

    • Kick feet outward (past shoulder-width much like a jumping jack) keeping core tight (like tensing up when expecting a gut punch) then kick them back in to the starting position for one rep.

  2. Four-Count Chimney Climbers (Same as Four-Count Mountain Climbers)

    • Starting Position: push up position with the left knee below chest

    • Switch knees by bringing right knee up toward chest while maintaining push up position. This is count one. Switch again (count two). Switch again (count three). Switch again (count four = a rep).

    • Counting: one, two, three, 1…one, two three, 2…and so on.

  3. Nutcrackers (Same as Jumping Lunges)

    • Starting position: stand with right foot forward in a lunge position.

    • Jump, switching to a left foot forward lunge position. Switch back to the left (starting position). This is one rep. Key: 25 for each leg.

  4. Sleigh Rides (Same as “Superman”)

    • Starting position: lying on your stomach, arms and legs extended (like Superman).

    • Raise thighs and chest off the ground, hold for a 10 count, and return to the starting position for one rep.

  5. Tree Toppers (Same as Jumping Body Weight Squats)

    • Starting position: standing with feet approximately shoulder-width apart.

    • Lower body into a squat and jump up to reach the top of the Christmas tree to get your star/angel placed at the top of your tree. This is one rep. Let gravity do its thing, but go directly into the next rep/squat.

  • Ruckers, ruck (carry weight, your preference)

  • Runners, run (do not carry any weight)

  • Or a combination of both. You know…Ruck ‘N’ Run®!